Don't panic! Feeling nervous about math is very common. Do you ...
- feel NERVOUS before a math test?
- PANIC and freeze while taking math tests?
- feel HELPLESS doing your homework?
- think that it's HOPELESS- you just fon't get math, never will, so there's no sense even trying?
Stomach-churning head-spinning sleepless nights can be a sign of math anxiety. Try these simple ideas to help you relax and wake up feeling in charge.
1. Study- OK, that sounds obvious. Of course you should study. But look at #2...
2. Don't study too much! Spending too much time going over and over the same stuff won't help and will just overwhelm you.
3. Calm- those fears by treating yourself with calmness. Try to have a set routine- Go to bed on time. In the morning, eat breakfast, put on your lucky sweater (it works for me!), and pack yourself a treat for lunch.
Test... Brain...Freeze...Panic
OK- you studied, got a good nights sleep and are wearing the lucky sweater. You get to class and forget your name.
What to do now?
1. Remember your name? No, really - just think of something you DO know is the first step in remembering all those lost formulas.
2. Unfreeze your mind by unfreezing your body. Give yourself a quick stretch and tell yourself to be confident. Take a deep breath can break the cycle of panic.
3. Work around the panic by finding something on the test that you can do. Gain confidence and then go back and finish the rest of the problems. Keep going on the ones you can do, then go back and try the others. You might be surprised to find that you can now tackle them with ease.
Math anxiety can be overcome. It is a matter of admitting that it is something you want to get over and working on it.
Contributed by Jessica To
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